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The New Gallery, 在创意艺术卓越中心和艺术与设计系的支持下, is pleased to present Over Look/Under Foot, a new exhibition by artists Katie Hargrave and Meredith Lynn, to continue an exciting 2020-2021 exhibition season.  “Over Look/Under Foot 是一个探索历史、文化和环境的多媒体展览吗 “公共土地的影响,”新画廊的策展人兼主任迈克尔·迪金斯说 at Austin Peay State University. “Using tents, vinyl and projected imagery, 哈格雷夫和林恩调查了在Airstreams公司度过大量时间的帐篷露营者和国家公园爱好者意味着什么, Winnebagos and Jaycos,” Dickins said. “感谢房车使我们与自然的关系成为可能, 他们还在联邦政府指定为野生动物保护的土地上努力解决这种关系.” The exhibit opens Monday, Nov. 2, at The New Gallery, 位于奥斯汀佩伊州立大学校园内的艺术设计大楼, and runs through Dec. 10. 对于那些希望在家中安全地观看作品的人来说,这次展览将提供360度的虚拟演练. 该指南可在新画廊的网页上找到,并可通过www访问.washingtonlandforsale.net/art-design. 虚拟漫游将与“艺术家主导”的画廊之旅相结合. An artist lecture with both Hargrave and Lynn will be held at 6 p.m. Nov. 10 via Zoom. Register here for this free talk. Exploring landscapes, 哈格里夫和林恩是这样描述他们的工作的:“我们看到我们的露营同伴们摆放了盆栽, satellite dishes, and full multi-course meals, in the middle of what we hope to be wilderness. 这种舒适和可达性与国家公园的浪漫愿景和一些保护方法背道而驰. “As nature writer Edward Abbey put it in Desert Solitaire, ‘You can’t see anything from a car,’” the artists continued. “There is a value judgment implicit in this statement. Abbey and others equate a certain connection to nature 有灵性,纯洁,和一种独特的启蒙,但那种体验 in the outdoors deliberately excludes most park-goers. Using a state with a wide variety 以公共土地为跳板,我们探索了犹他州的五个国家公园——锡安公园, Arches, Canyonlands, 布莱斯峡谷和国会礁——考虑到交通工具与景观关系的复杂性, cameras and our own nostalgia.哈格里夫和林恩是艺术家和教育家,他们合作探索历史, cultural, and environmental impacts of public land. Their work has been 在威尔格拉斯艺术博物馆(阿拉巴马州多森)、House Guest画廊(路易斯维尔)、 Kentucky), and has been published by Walls Divide Press. 他们一起成为了Signal Fire(波特兰,俄勒冈州)的驻地艺术家。. 哈格雷夫总部设在查塔努加,也曾在新奥尔良的前线, 路易斯安那州),霓虹加热器(芬利,俄亥俄州)和Wienberg/Newton画廊(芝加哥). 她一直是震中(绿河,犹他州),汉比奇中心的驻地艺术家 创意艺术中心(佐治亚州雷邦盖普)和佛蒙特工作室中心(约翰逊, Vermont). Lynn is based in Tallahassee, Florida. Her solo work has recently been shown at the 莫里斯·格雷夫斯艺术博物馆(尤里卡,加利福尼亚),俄亥俄迈阿密大学,以及 Alexander Brest Gallery at Jacksonville University. She has been artist in residence 在Jentel基金会(Sheridan, Wyoming), Kimmel Harding Nelson (Nebraska) City, Nebraska), and the Vermont Studio Center. 哈格里夫和林恩相识于爱荷华大学,两人都获得了美术硕士学位. 新画廊的开放时间为周一至周四上午10点.m.-3 p.m. 新画廊在周末和节假日开放,并遵循大学的学术日历.  为了保持社交距离,将实行15人限制.  欲了解更多免费向公众开放的展览信息,请联系 Dickins at dickinsm@washingtonlandforsale.net.

Exhibition Catalogue
Exhibition Essay by: Veronica Kavass

Virtual Walkthru and Artist-led Gallery Tour

screen shot of gallery installation
下午6点举行了与哈格里夫和林恩的艺术家讲座/谈话.m. Nov. 10 via Zoom.

(Posted Oct. 30, 2020)

The New Gallery, 在创意艺术卓越中心和艺术与设计系的支持下, is pleased to present Over Look/Under Foot, a new exhibition by artists Katie Hargrave and Meredith Lynn, to continue an exciting 2020-2021 exhibition season.  “Over Look/Under Foot 是一个探索历史、文化和环境的多媒体展览吗 “公共土地的影响,”新画廊的策展人兼主任迈克尔·迪金斯说 at Austin Peay State University. “Using tents, vinyl and projected imagery, 哈格雷夫和林恩调查了在Airstreams公司度过大量时间的帐篷露营者和国家公园爱好者意味着什么, Winnebagos and Jaycos,” Dickins said. “感谢房车使我们与自然的关系成为可能, 他们还在联邦政府指定为野生动物保护的土地上努力解决这种关系.” The exhibit opens Monday, Nov. 2, at The New Gallery, 位于奥斯汀佩伊州立大学校园内的艺术设计大楼, and runs through Dec. 10. 对于那些希望在家中安全地观看作品的人来说,这次展览将提供360度的虚拟演练. 该指南可在新画廊的网页上找到,并可通过www访问.washingtonlandforsale.net/art-design. 虚拟漫游将与“艺术家主导”的画廊之旅相结合. An artist lecture with both Hargrave and Lynn will be held at 6 p.m. Nov. 10 via Zoom. Register here for this free talk. Exploring landscapes, 哈格里夫和林恩是这样描述他们的工作的:“我们看到我们的露营同伴们摆放了盆栽, satellite dishes, and full multi-course meals, in the middle of what we hope to be wilderness. 这种舒适和可达性与国家公园的浪漫愿景和一些保护方法背道而驰. “As nature writer Edward Abbey put it in Desert Solitaire, ‘You can’t see anything from a car,’” the artists continued. “There is a value judgment implicit in this statement. Abbey and others equate a certain connection to nature 有灵性,纯洁,和一种独特的启蒙,但那种体验 in the outdoors deliberately excludes most park-goers. Using a state with a wide variety 以公共土地为跳板,我们探索了犹他州的五个国家公园——锡安公园, Arches, Canyonlands, 布莱斯峡谷和国会礁——考虑到交通工具与景观关系的复杂性, cameras and our own nostalgia.哈格里夫和林恩是艺术家和教育家,他们合作探索历史, cultural, and environmental impacts of public land. Their work has been 在威尔格拉斯艺术博物馆(阿拉巴马州多森)、House Guest画廊(路易斯维尔)、 Kentucky), and has been published by Walls Divide Press. 他们一起成为了Signal Fire(波特兰,俄勒冈州)的驻地艺术家。. 哈格雷夫总部设在查塔努加,也曾在新奥尔良的前线, 路易斯安那州),霓虹加热器(芬利,俄亥俄州)和Wienberg/Newton画廊(芝加哥). 她一直是震中(绿河,犹他州),汉比奇中心的驻地艺术家 创意艺术中心(佐治亚州雷邦盖普)和佛蒙特工作室中心(约翰逊, Vermont). Lynn is based in Tallahassee, Florida. Her solo work has recently been shown at the 莫里斯·格雷夫斯艺术博物馆(尤里卡,加利福尼亚),俄亥俄迈阿密大学,以及 Alexander Brest Gallery at Jacksonville University. She has been artist in residence 在Jentel基金会(Sheridan, Wyoming), Kimmel Harding Nelson (Nebraska) City, Nebraska), and the Vermont Studio Center. 哈格里夫和林恩相识于爱荷华大学,两人都获得了美术硕士学位. 新画廊的开放时间为周一至周四上午10点.m.-3 p.m. 新画廊在周末和节假日开放,并遵循大学的学术日历.  为了保持社交距离,将实行15人限制.  欲了解更多免费向公众开放的展览信息,请联系 Dickins at dickinsm@washingtonlandforsale.net.

Katie Hargrave

在创意艺术卓越中心的支持下,新画廊 and the Department of Art + Design, is pleased to present Over Look/Under Foot, a new exhibition by artists Katie Hargrave and Meredith Lynn, to continue an exciting 2020-2021 exhibition season.

Over Look/Under Foot 是一个探索历史、文化和环境的多媒体展览吗 “公共土地的影响,”新画廊的策展人兼主任迈克尔·迪金斯说 at Austin Peay State University.

哈格里夫和林恩利用帐篷、乙烯基和投影图像来研究它的含义 成为帐篷露营者和国家公园爱好者,花很多时间在 company of Airstreams, Winnebagos and Jaycos,” Dickins said. “Appreciative of the 为了与自然建立一种关系,他们也在努力解决这个问题 在联邦政府指定为自然保护区的土地上的关系.”

The exhibit opens Monday, Nov. 2, at The New Gallery, located in the Art + Design 奥斯汀佩伊州立大学(Austin Peay State University)校园内的大楼,一直持续到12月11日. 10.

The New Gallery, 在创意艺术卓越中心和艺术与设计系的支持下, is pleased to present Over Look/Under Foot, a new exhibition by artists Katie Hargrave and Meredith Lynn, to continue an exciting 2020-2021 exhibition season.  “Over Look/Under Foot 是一个探索历史、文化和环境的多媒体展览吗 “公共土地的影响,”新画廊的策展人兼主任迈克尔·迪金斯说 at Austin Peay State University. “Using tents, vinyl and projected imagery, 哈格雷夫和林恩调查了在Airstreams公司度过大量时间的帐篷露营者和国家公园爱好者意味着什么, Winnebagos and Jaycos,” Dickins said. “感谢房车使我们与自然的关系成为可能, 他们还在联邦政府指定为野生动物保护的土地上努力解决这种关系.” The exhibit opens Monday, Nov. 2, at The New Gallery, 位于奥斯汀佩伊州立大学校园内的艺术设计大楼, and runs through Dec. 10. 对于那些希望在家中安全地观看作品的人来说,这次展览将提供360度的虚拟演练. 该指南可在新画廊的网页上找到,并可通过www访问.washingtonlandforsale.net/art-design. 虚拟漫游将与“艺术家主导”的画廊之旅相结合. An artist lecture with both Hargrave and Lynn will be held at 6 p.m. Nov. 10 via Zoom. Register here for this free talk. Exploring landscapes, 哈格里夫和林恩是这样描述他们的工作的:“我们看到我们的露营同伴们摆放了盆栽, satellite dishes, and full multi-course meals, in the middle of what we hope to be wilderness. 这种舒适和可达性与国家公园的浪漫愿景和一些保护方法背道而驰. “As nature writer Edward Abbey put it in Desert Solitaire, ‘You can’t see anything from a car,’” the artists continued. “There is a value judgment implicit in this statement. Abbey and others equate a certain connection to nature 有灵性,纯洁,和一种独特的启蒙,但那种体验 in the outdoors deliberately excludes most park-goers. Using a state with a wide variety 以公共土地为跳板,我们探索了犹他州的五个国家公园——锡安公园, Arches, Canyonlands, 布莱斯峡谷和国会礁——考虑到交通工具与景观关系的复杂性, cameras and our own nostalgia.哈格里夫和林恩是艺术家和教育家,他们合作探索历史, cultural, and environmental impacts of public land. Their work has been 在威尔格拉斯艺术博物馆(阿拉巴马州多森)、House Guest画廊(路易斯维尔)、 Kentucky), and has been published by Walls Divide Press. 他们一起成为了Signal Fire(波特兰,俄勒冈州)的驻地艺术家。. 哈格雷夫总部设在查塔努加,也曾在新奥尔良的前线, 路易斯安那州),霓虹加热器(芬利,俄亥俄州)和Wienberg/Newton画廊(芝加哥). 她一直是震中(绿河,犹他州),汉比奇中心的驻地艺术家 创意艺术中心(佐治亚州雷邦盖普)和佛蒙特工作室中心(约翰逊, Vermont). Lynn is based in Tallahassee, Florida. Her solo work has recently been shown at the 莫里斯·格雷夫斯艺术博物馆(尤里卡,加利福尼亚),俄亥俄迈阿密大学,以及 Alexander Brest Gallery at Jacksonville University. She has been artist in residence 在Jentel基金会(Sheridan, Wyoming), Kimmel Harding Nelson (Nebraska) City, Nebraska), and the Vermont Studio Center. 哈格里夫和林恩相识于爱荷华大学,两人都获得了美术硕士学位. 新画廊的开放时间为周一至周四上午10点.m.-3 p.m. 新画廊在周末和节假日开放,并遵循大学的学术日历.  为了保持社交距离,将实行15人限制.  欲了解更多免费向公众开放的展览信息,请联系 Dickins at dickinsm@washingtonlandforsale.net.

Meredith Lynn

本次展览将提供360度的虚拟漫游 to view the work from the safety of their homes. The walkthrough can be found on The New Gallery’s webpage and can be accessed via 5.washingtonlandforsale.net/art-design. 虚拟漫游将与“艺术家主导”的画廊之旅相结合.

An artist lecture with both Hargrave and Lynn will be held at 6 p.m. Nov. 10 via Zoom. Register here for this free talk.

Exploring landscapes, mediation of park-goers

哈格里夫和林恩这样描述他们的工作:“我们看到了我们的营员同伴 在中间放上盆栽、卫星天线和多道菜的正餐 of what we hope to be wilderness. This comfort and accessibility is in opposition 对国家公园的浪漫幻想和一些保护方法.

“As nature writer Edward Abbey put it in Desert Solitaire, ‘You can’t see anything from a car,’” the artists continued. “There is a value judgment implicit in this statement. Abbey and others equate a certain connection to nature 有灵性,纯洁,和一种独特的启蒙,但那种体验 in the outdoors deliberately excludes most park-goers. Using a state with a wide variety 以公共土地为跳板,我们探索了犹他州的五个国家公园——锡安公园, 拱门,峡谷地,布莱斯峡谷和国会礁-考虑到复杂性 人们与风景的关系很大程度上是由交通工具、相机和我们的 own nostalgia.”

More about Hargrave and Lynn

哈格里夫和林恩是艺术家和教育家,他们合作探索 historic, cultural, and environmental impacts of public land. Their work has been 在威尔格拉斯艺术博物馆(阿拉巴马州多森)、House Guest画廊(路易斯维尔)、 Kentucky), and has been published by Walls Divide Press. Together they have been artists in residence at Signal Fire (Portland, Oregon).

哈格雷夫总部设在查塔努加,也曾在新奥尔良的前线, 路易斯安那州),霓虹加热器(芬利,俄亥俄州)和Wienberg/Newton画廊(芝加哥). 她一直是震中(绿河,犹他州),汉比奇中心的驻地艺术家 创意艺术中心(佐治亚州雷邦盖普)和佛蒙特工作室中心(约翰逊, Vermont).

Lynn is based in Tallahassee, Florida. Her solo work has recently been shown at the 莫里斯·格雷夫斯艺术博物馆(尤里卡,加利福尼亚),俄亥俄迈阿密大学,以及 Alexander Brest Gallery at Jacksonville University. She has been artist in residence 在Jentel基金会(Sheridan, Wyoming), Kimmel Harding Nelson (Nebraska) City, Nebraska), and the Vermont Studio Center. Hargrave and Lynn met at the University of Iowa, where they both earned Master of Fine Arts degrees.

Gallery hours, COVID precautions

Hours for The New Gallery are Monday-Thursday, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. The New Gallery is on 周末和节假日,并遵循大学的学术日历.


欲了解更多免费向公众开放的展览信息,请联系 Dickins at dickinsm@washingtonlandforsale.net.