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Students Speak about WGS courses 

"If I was not just randomly searching around for an extra class to complete my schedule, I would not have been a part of this class or this service learning experience.  If there was a chance of me knowing about this class as a freshman in college, I would have participated in every "Vagina Monologues" play at 365bet for my whole collegiate career.  This class as a whole was so interesting and fun, I am now considering a women's and gender studies minor."

"It was incredibly heartbreaking and enlightening to come to understand through the VDAY project and Vagina Monologues just how many  women suffer at the hands of their partners every single day in every single country across the world.  To see the effects of women rising up all around the world to protect other women and girls is both astounding and inspiring. Not only do these women make their issues visible by performing and supporting the VDay project and Vagina Monologues, but they also raise millions of dollars in funds for anti-violence organizations--grassroots to international programs, supporting both community and worldwide efforts."

"Women's Studies classes have given me a place where I am not as intimidated about speaking my mind as I am in many situations. These classes have taught me to see the world in ways I normally would not. In many of these classes we learned through interaction with others. It is a class in which everyone's input is valued equally as opposed to one person disposing all of the information and students taking notes and spitting it back out. Dialogue is important in these classes. I learned a lot about myself through learning about other people. I feel that these classes are important as a haven from the classes that are more geared toward male perspectives. I've taken three women's studies classes as electives and as part of my English major and I've loved all of them."

"As long as people are divided, we cannot have peace.  But when people come together to support a cause, like during the Vagina Monologues, we can have a positive effect on the world around us.  This class aims to build community, starting at a local level, and branching out into a national and global level.  I would recommend this class to anyone looking to understand themselves, understand others, and looking to make a difference, because it does make a difference in people's lives."